TTArtisan APS-C 25mm F2 Metal Bodied Lens

TTArtisan APS-C 25mm F2 Metal Bodied Lens Compatible with Nikon Z Mount - Black

TTArtisan APS-C 25mm F2 Metal Bodied Lens Compatible with Nikon Z Mount – Black

  • A full-frame equivalence of 37.5mm is close to the natural field of human eyesight and suitable for various photography needs.
  • The maximum aperture of F2 provides a high degree of creative freedom, especially in low-light environments and for creating beautiful bokeh.
  • The gear has an excellent close-up function with a minimum focusing distance of 0.25 meters, making it suitable for shooting small objects and capturing details and beauty up close.

TTartisan lenses are highly regarded for their excellent image quality and build quality, with a focus on providing a unique shooting experience for photographers. Their manual focus lenses are designed to allow for precise control and a more hands-on approach to photography, providing a different shooting experience compared to traditional autofocus lenses.

Dimensions: 10.2 x 10.2 x 8.4 centimetres
Model: C2520BZ
Part: C2520BZ
Colour: Black
Colour: Black